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Dr James Mangan

American College of Emergency Physicians

Vice Chair, Portuguese Translation Taskforce

Dr. James Mangan is the Director of Global Health for Valley Health System Emergency Medicine residency program in Las Vegas, Nevada in the United States of America. Dr. Mangan worked as a secondary school biology teacher in Northern Mozambique in 2007-2009 and returned to Mozambique to work at an HIV clinic in Beira, Mozambique in 2014 as a medical student. After graduating medical school from SUNY Downstate in Brooklyn, New York, USA, Dr. Mangan completed residency training in Emergency Medicine at Mount Sinai, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital System in New York City. During this time, Dr. Mangan led several point of care ultrasound training courses at Universidade Católica de Moçambique (UCM) in Beria, Mozambique. Dr. Mangan has had multiple papers published focusing on ultrasound training. Dr. Mangan also has given ground round style lectures at UCM and taught ATLS courses at UCM.