Designing Assessment Programmes for the Model Curriculum for Emergency Medicine Specialists

On behalf of the Core Curriculum and Education Committee for the International Federation for Emergency Medicine: James Kwan, MBBS*; Nicholas Jouriles, MD†; Andrew Singer, MBBS‡; Venkataraman Anantharaman, MBBS (S’pore); Gautam Bodiwala, CBE, DL, DSc (Hon), MS; Peter Cameron, MBBS**; C. James (Jim) Holliman, MD††; Cees van der Vleuten, PhD‡‡; Cherri Hobgood, MD

There has been a proliferation of competency-based postgraduate training programmes in emergency medicine (EM) worldwide, including Australia, Canada, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Several competency frameworks have been developed at national and international levels as a basis for competency-based postgraduate training programmes.