Our Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategy

Our Vision

A world where all people, in all countries, have access to high-quality emergency medical care.


Our Mission

  • To advance the growth of high-quality emergency medical care through education and standards.
  • To lead the collaboration and networking necessary to establish universal equality in service and care.
  • To promote the creation and growth of the specialty of emergency medicine in every country.


Our Goals outlined in our charter are to:

  • Exchange information on topics of international interest.
  • Provide a mechanism for international collaborative research.
  • Provide a mechanism for international elective opportunities for trainees in emergency medicine programs.
  • Provide an avenue for international sabbatical and exchange opportunities for practitioners of emergency medicine.
  • Act as a forum for common problems and approaches to solving problems specific to emergency medicine.
  • Offer advice and guidance to emergency medicine practitioners worldwide in the formation of national associations and training and certification programs.
  • Provide a network system of centers to facilitate international cooperation in the event of national or manmade disasters.
  • Organize an international conference on topics of interest in emergency medicine.
  • Act as a resource in the development of emergency medical services.


We support the following principles:

  • All countries should provide unrestricted access to emergency healthcare.
  • Emergency medicine encompasses a unique and specified body of knowledge and should be recognized as a distinct independent medical specialty in all countries.


The focus for the next 12-18 months is to ensure stability and strengthen the platform for growth