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Professor Elizabeth Devos

Director Academic Activities

American College of Emergency Physicians

Director Academic Activities

Elizabeth DeVos MD, MPH, FACEP is a Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville where she is Assistant Chair for Faculty Development and the Medical Director for International EM Education Programs. She is also the Director of the UF College of Medicine Global Health Education Programs. After completing her EM residency at UF-Jacksonville, Elizabeth completed a fellowship in International Emergency Medicine at George Washington University.  She has partnered in the development of EM Specialty Training in several countries, including living and working in Kigali, Rwanda as faculty in the first EM residency.  Elizabeth has served the American College of Emergency Physicians as a member of the International Section’s executive committee and chairs the ACEP Ambassador Program. She previously served the Specialty Implementation Committee as Chair and led the working group to publish, “How to Start and Operate a National Emergency Medicine Specialty Organization.”