Emergency Medical Care Worker wellbeing

A Wellbeing Charter for Doctors definition of wellbeing is: “Wellbeing encompasses physical, mental, emotional and cultural health. It also includes the cultivation of healthy relationships at personal and professional levels based on appreciation, kindness, gratitude and compassion. At a professional level, these attributes are reflected in interactions with patients and the teams we work with and are at the heart of the competencies required for good medical practice. 

Almost all emergency medical care workers will face health and wellbeing challenges at different points in their career, with COVID19 creating extremely physical and emotional stressful working environments. IFEM believes the wellbeing of emergency medical care workers is a shared responsibility between individuals and system partners: workplaces, medical colleges, medical schools, regulators, quality improvement bodies and funders. 

As an emergency medical care worker how can you improve your own wellbeing at work and outside work? The Emergency Medicine Wellness Wheel™ developed by ACEP, reminds emergency physicians to take time to self-renew and allows us to see how these ‘spokes’ are interconnected and contribute to our quality of life we live.