Technology Special Interest Group



Role of the Technology Special Interest Group:

The IFEM Technology Special Interest Group (TSIG) was founded in 2018 to bring together emergency physicians (and others with an interest in emergency care) with a specific interest in optimizing the use of new technologies in emergency care at all levels of national and international emergency medical systems. This forum allows those individuals to brainstorm with technology companies to develop novel technologies for global distribution, targeting both High-Income and Low- and Middle-Income Countries’ (LMIC) needs.

Vision statement

TSIG is designed to become a panel of Emergency Physicians providing insight on new technology in Emergency Medicine to IFEM. It aims to harness global experience in various technologies to achieve cost effective improvements in patient care and reduce the duplication and inefficiencies of providing that care by harnessing technology.

Objectives of the Group

The main goal for this group is to provide a forum for networking between individuals with a particular interest in New and Advanced Technology in Emergency Medicine to develop the Comprehensive Technology Assessment Tool on New and Advanced Technology in Emergency Medicine, the Global Health Technologies Evaluation Framework, and the Global Health Technology Awareness Strategy. Furthermore, this group will also provide to IFEM a novel technology-oriented endorsement and implementation tool to speed global development on Emergency Medicine Specialty, and to allow all relevant data needed for EM specialty development globally to be easily achievable and quantifiable.

How to join:

Expressions of interest are invited from IFEM Members, and non-IFEM Members to join the Technology Special Interest Group. Nominations by your organization, or self-nominations by individuals within your organization, should be forwarded to the IFEM Secretariat by completing our contact form.

Terms of Reference


Work and Achievements



New project with the aim to support new technology development around the globe in emergency medicine care. The goal of this project is to have one competition during an Emergency Medicine Conference (Annual ICEM Conference, National EM Conference, or other EM conferences) where companies sign up to win an award for best new technology related to emergency medicine - Visionary Industry Technology Award (VITA) Project. It is one of the ways IFEM hopes to increase its interaction with industry as well as improve emergency medical care globally.




Smart ED Global Network Program is a new NATSIG project where single hospital or free-standing ED can join a global network for free to get access to the experts in the field of technology application in the emergency medicine and share scientific information with other network members. As a member of the network, individual EDs will have access to the expert counseling on the development of a particular ED within the aspect of technology innovation and smart technology application. This will also allow EDs to share information on how to improve ED technologically in line with IFEM recommendation through the network.

The principal goal of this project will be to directly share scientific information between interested parties using a non-business type interaction under the umbrella of the IFEM. This will be a volunteered program and free of charge, in line with IFEM mission to help all people, in all countries, to improve access to high quality emergency medical care.

The program just started in March 2022, and we have so far 3 ED (Hospital-Based) enrolled to the program:

  1. The Department of Accident and Emergency, Tin Shui Wai Hospital, Hong Kong SAR
  2. Emergency Medicine Centre, Union Hospital, Hong Kong SAR
  3. Emergency Department, Specialized Provincial Hospital WSS, Legnica, Poland
  4. Cleveland Clinic Abdu Dhabi, City Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

If you would like to join with your ED to this program or nominate any other ED to this program, please let us know directly via to IFEM Secretariat.





Development of the Comprehensive Technology Assessment Tool on New and Advanced Technology in Emergency Medicine will allow us to collect, analyze and judiciously use all relevant and up to date information on new, novel, emerging, and advanced technology, from the viewpoint of emergency medicine care worldwide.

Under the proposed process IFEM will be involved in two aspects of new technology: evaluation and implementation. Development of the IFEM-approved ‘New and Advanced Technology in Emergency Medicine Care’ endorsement and implementation processes, will provide IFEM with the tools to:

  1. Support assessment, and if endorsed, development and implementation of new and advanced technologies into the selected EM care operations globally.
  2. Track emerging technologies and evidence for their applications through the evaluation framework.
  3. Understand the context of how the technologies need to be deployed for the purpose of knowledge translation.

If you are interested to develop this Project further or run it at your organization, please contact the IFEM Secretariat.