- About Us
- Our Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategy
- Our Board of Directors
- The Importance of Emergency Care
- Emergency Medicine Facts
- Why IFEM is needed
- IFEM Assembly
IFEM Awards IFEM Awards
- About IFEM awards
- Gautam Bodiwala Lifetime Leadership Achievement Award
- George Podgorny Lecturers
- Order of the International Federation of Emergency Medicine
- Humanitarian Award
- Visionary Industry Technology Award (VITA)
- VITA Award Recipients 2024
- ICEM 2025 Research Excellence Awards
- ICEM 2024 Research Award Winners
- Our governance
- Our history
- Position Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Contact us
Our work
- Global Campaign Against ED Over-Crowding
- Advocacy
- Emergency Medical Care Worker Wellbeing
Committees Committees
- About our Committees
Clinical Practice Committee Clinical Practice Committee
Continuing Professional Development Committee Continuing Professional Development Committee
Core Curriculum and Education Committee Core Curriculum and Education Committee
Finance Committee Finance Committee
Governance Committee Governance Committee
Research Committee Research Committee
Speciality Implementation Committee Speciality Implementation Committee
Special Interest Groups Special Interest Groups
- About Special Interest Groups
Behavioral Emergencies SIG Behavioral Emergencies SIG
Critical Care in Emergency Medicine SIG Critical Care in Emergency Medicine SIG
Disaster Medicine SIG Disaster Medicine SIG
EM Resident Trainee Special Interest Group EM Resident Trainee Special Interest Group
Emergency Ultrasound SIG Emergency Ultrasound SIG
Gender Specific Issues SIG Gender Specific Issues SIG
Geriatric Emergency Medicine SIG Geriatric Emergency Medicine SIG
Informatics Special Interest Group Informatics Special Interest Group
Technology SIG Technology SIG
Paediatric Emergency Medicine SIG Paediatric Emergency Medicine SIG
Public and Environmental Health SIG Public and Environmental Health SIG
Quality and Safety SIG Quality and Safety SIG
Trauma SIG Trauma SIG
Taskforces Taskforces
- About our Taskforces
Portuguese Translation Taskforce Portuguese Translation Taskforce
Spanish Translation Taskforce Spanish Translation Taskforce
Events Taskforce Events Taskforce
International Conference on Emergency Medicine International Conference on Emergency Medicine
- Event Calendar
- Event endorsement
- Symposia collaboration
- Apply for free IFEM event registration
Member Application Criteria
Below is information regarding Membership application. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Membership Category Information
Application for membership is dependent on the applicant being a national emergency medicine association.
There are three levels of membership which are described below – Full Membership, Affiliate Membership and Ex-Officio Membership.
Full Member: A Full Member of the IFEM will be the leading national emergency medicine organization for physicians in a country in which emergency medicine is officially recognized as a medical specialty and where there also exists at least one (1) recognized training program in emergency medicine. A Full Member will appoint one (1) representative to the Assembly; this representative will have one (1) full vote. Full Members are eligible to apply for consideration for the right to host the IFEM’s biannual conference, ICEM.
Affiliate Member: An Affiliate Member may be any national emergency medicine organization for physicians practicing emergency medicine in a country where the specialty of emergency medicine is not yet officially recognized or residency equivalent training programs in emergency medicine do not yet exist. An Affiliate Member may also be any additional national emergency medicine organization for physicians practicing emergency medicine from a country already represented by a Full or Founding Member. Affiliate Members may appoint one (1) non-voting member to the Assembly. Affiliate Members are eligible to apply for consideration for the right to host the IFEM’s biannual conference, ICEM.
Ex-Officio: An Ex-Officio member will be defined as a multinational emergency medicine organization. Ex-Officio members may appoint one (1) non-voting member to the Assembly.
Fees and Exemptions Information
Full Members
Part A: $711AUD
Part B:
- High and Upper Middle Income Countries: $3.60 per member, up to $14,669
- Lower Middle Income Countries: $2.40 per member, up to a total of $7,334
- Low Income Countries $1.60 per member, up to a total of $4,400
Affiliate Members
Part A: $355AUD
Part B:
- High and Upper Middle Income Countries: $3.60 per member, up to $7,334
- Lower Middle Income Countries: $2.40 per member, up to $3,667
- Low Income Countries $1.60 per member, up to a total of $2,200
Ex-officio Members
Part A: $454AUD
No part B
The Membership application fee is equivalent to one year membership fee. You can pay this using our online payment form. No discount will be applied to the application fee.
Annual subscriptions, fees and charges, and criteria for concessions for member organizations are set by the Board on the recommendation of the Finance Committee.
Fees and subscriptions calculated and paid to the Secretariat each year in $AUD
Members will be required to pay a minimum annual subscription of no less than $454AUD. Organizations able to clearly demonstrate financial difficulty in paying the subscription may make an application to the Board for a partial waiver of their fee. Such application must be made annually up on receipt of the invoice, with a letter supporting the reasons for the request.