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Trinidad and Tobago Emergency Medicine Association


EWMSC, Champs Fleurs Trinidad

Room 302 3rd Floor, Building 14

Trinidad and Tobago

Full Member

The Trinidad and Tobago Emergency Medicine Association is a professional body representing Emergency Physicians, Nurses, Prehospital Providers and other Allied Health Workers who practice in the Emergency and Prehospital setting.
Emergency Medicine is the practice of medicine involving the diagnosis and treatment of any patient requiring unscheduled, episodic care with an acute injury or illness. The mandate of Emergency Medicine is to limit morbidity and mortality in these patients. The practice of Emergency Medicine spans from pre-hospital care to inpatient care in disciplines closely related to Emergency Medicine.
TTEMA’s main function is to promote the welfare of Emergency Medicine in Trinidad and Tobago, and ensure high quality Emergency Care to all our patients and clients. We aim to achieve this through advocating for our stakeholders (including patients and healthcare professionals) and addressing issues pertinent to Emergency Medicine in the country.
We also provide a forum for continuing medical education and promote networking opportunities with like-minded groups both regionally and internationally.
Website - www.ttema.org
Twitter - TTEmergMed
Facebook - TTEmergMed