Paediatric Emergency Medicine Special Interest Group: we have the expertise to help

Camilo E. Gutierrez MD FACEP FAAEM

2018 and 2019 have been quite busy years for PEMSIG.  We are incredibly grateful to have a remarkably dynamic and proactive leadership and with the support of the IFEM leadership and Executive have been able to highly position our SIG.


In 2018, PEMSIG successfully collaborated with the Mexican Society of Emergency Medicine to develop the Paediatric EM topics for ICEM in Mexico City: 16 presentations over the four days of the meeting and an additional two days of Marketplace. In total over 35 different topics pertinent to the acute care of children were discussed.

For ICEM Korea 2019 after much planning a number of PEMSIG experts discussed critical paediatric topics, 8 lectures and 20 international experts staffed the marketplace which attracted multitude of delegates.

Following our strategy and attempting to innovate PEMSIG is working closely with the IFEM committee and the Argentine Emergency Medicine Society to develop the academic agenda for ICEM2020. Next year, we attempt to present key emergency medicine topics across the age spectrum so the entire audience can understand the continuum of care of common presentations to our emergency departments.


Over the last 2 years and led by Dr Rodrick Lim finally the 3rd version of the Paediatric Standards of Care was published. This detailed 25 chapter, 168 page document is aimed to provide guidance, information, and sense of urgency to local health system to recognize and improve children’s health. We are in the process of translating to several languages and expand its reach beyond the online IFEM platform.

PEMSIG keeps expanding; currently we have over 100 members from 28 countries representing more than 26 Emergency Medicine Societies in 6 world regions. As we move forward we hope to engage our group more actively to have even more impact in the care of children on the regions we represent.

Do you need resources to enhance paediatric emergency and acute care skills in your country or region?

Do you need to improve paediatric emergency knowledge and hands on training to the clinical practitioners in your clinical setting?

Is there a consideration to develop Paediatric Emergency Medicine training programs in your country?

How can Paediatric Emergency Medicine be recognized as a subspecialty in your region?

We have the expertise to help!

Contact us