Corporate Support


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Corporate Support

We need financial support from you to make our work sustainable.

You can choose to donate to a specific project or make a one off or recurring donation which allows us to put your contribution to the area where it is most needed. Thank you for your fantastic support.



The Annual Flagship International Conference of Emergency Medicine (ICEM)

Since IFEM was formed 30 years ago it has provided the world’s Emergency Physicians with a state-of-the-art globally-relevant conference, supporting its goal of high-quality emergency medical care for all.

Can you help?

  • A trade stand in the main Exhibition Hall
  • Sponsor a pre-conference workshop
  • Sponsor a delegate: train the next generation, helping those unable to travel without financial assistance.

Learn more about ICEM.

Learn more about our upcoming ICEM to be held in May 2025 in Montreal, Canada. 


Education Sponsorship Opportunities - become a virtual events partner!

You will play a pivotal role in assisting IFEM in expanding its educational reach to over 70 countries and help us meet the challenge of creating a world where all people in all countries have access to high-quality emergency medicine.

By becoming virtual events partner it provides you an unprecedented opportunity to showcase your brand to a substantial global audience of healthcare professionals. Don't miss this exceptional chance to elevate your brand recognition.

IFEM offers a variety of virtual events including:

  • Leadership courses
  • Specialty emergency medicine training programs from ‘Around the World’
  • Simulation courses
  • General emergency medicine topics

IFEM attracts a worldwide audience of emergency physicians along with other emergency team members.

Download our sponsorship prospectus